Module 7 – Yom Teruah
M7, Yom Teruah BFC | Instructor, Rebekah Garvin
Module 7 in The Biblical Feast Course ( BFC ) is a comprehensive educational course empowering students to learn about and keep annually the Feast of Yom Teruah (also known as the Feast of Trumpets). Module 7 unpacks the depths of Yom Teruah and gives students an opportunity to create traditions using Rebekah's 4-Stage Approach ( Learn, Plan, Do, Store ). Students will leave the course confident in their knowledge of Yom Teruah, how Ye'shua ha'Mashiach ( the Messiah ) will fulfill it and how they will be celebrating it year after year in their own home. See below for required materials.
Get Ready for your Life to Change!
Keeping the Feasts is where the rubber of repentance hits the road!
Welcome to my Biblical Feast Course!
This is the BEST Course in the world to learn about the Feasts of YHVH ( the Biblical Feasts ). Why do I say the BEST? Because within the Stages of each of these 14 Modules you will not only learn ABOUT the Feasts, but you will also learn HOW to LIVE in them – which is the point. We learn in order to DO. That is true repentance. Remember what the Scripture says,
"Faith without works is dead." James 2:14-26
"Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." Matthew 3:8
"Blessed are they that DO his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." Revelation 22:14
I have discovered that when one realizes they must be keeping these Feasts they are confounded about HOW to keep them. This is understandable as most of us did not grow up in homes or churches that celebrated the Biblical Feasts therefore figuring out HOW to celebrate Yah's Holy Days as believers in the Messiah is often hard to do alone and without instruction. My Course will help to provide answers for your heart. It will challenge and lead you into thinking through things yourself; coming to your own conclusions and resolve––all with guidance. It aims to dissolve Feasting frustration through a well thought-out, professional and accessible course.
I believe all 14 Modules in my Biblical Feast Course will help students all over the world discover YHVH's Biblical Feasts ( the Mo'edim / Appointments ) with fresh eyes. The Biblical Feast Course will assist the student in exploring ways they can apply the Feasts to their life, family and community –– all with a DIY attitude and sustained creativity year after year.
So, if you are in need of a little or a lot of help doing and celebrating the Biblical Feasts in your own home, no worries! Finally, there is a professional online ( and someday, offline ) course that can help you learn about and plan out each Biblical Feast. Now you and your family can live in this ancient and original calendar rhythm with beauty and creativity in a way that pleases YHVH your Elohim!
Welcome to my course. Welcome to repentance.
My name is Rebekah.
I have been obsessed with Yehovah's Feasts since 2007. Over the years, my family and I have hosted over 200 Biblical Feasts for The King. We've done this while living in a house, living in a tipi off-grid, living in an apartment and living in an RV. I know what His Feasts are about and HOW to do this. I am a Feast Junkie. :-)
I am Isaac's ezer kenegdo of 22 years and mother of Maggie ( 21 ) and Hadassah ( 18 ). Currently, we have 1 happy doggie and 1 very mellow black cat. I love white sand beaches, the sunshine, the mountains, harvest time, animals, children, car camping, cooking, soundtrack music, spontaneous adventures and figure skating.
But mostly, I love Yah's Mo'edim and I'm looking forward to walking with you into your journey into Papa Yah's Appointed Times. Thank you for registering for my Yom Teruah Module #7 in my Biblical Feast Course.
About The Biblical Feast Course
My goal is to help build and strengthen my students Feasting muscle memory! Throughout the 14 Modules in The Biblical Feast Course my students will feel empowered to explore the Creator's Feasts with creativity and joy. My students will become addicted to Yah's Feast days with a personal strategy by which to walk in them all year long. They will find permission, encouragement and guidance on how to move their head knowledge into heart knowledge in order to build their cognitive and physical understanding of YHVH's Ways. The goal is for my students to complete all the Modules they enroll in and get certificates for those completed Modules. Certificates will come in the mail from Rebekah upon completion. Students will be able to earn up to 14 certificates. Collect all 14 certificates and then students can apply for graduation from the Biblical Feast Course.
My Course covers ALL the Biblical Feasts from the weekly Shabbat and monthly New Moons to the annual Spring and Fall Feasts to the Winter Festivals. Each one of these Holy Appointments is a Module in and of itself ( 14 in all ) that students enroll in and pay for separately. For the time being, each Module is $39.95 and must be completed within 12 months at least ( not to exceed 12 months ). But my suggestion is to complete a Module quickly within 1-2 months.
Students can register for one Module at a time or a few at a time. Students must remember that they will only have access to the Module(s) they are enrolled in for 12 consecutive months and then they will have to re-register and pay again to access it for another 12 months.
Each MODULE is broken down into 4 STAGES. Those 4 stages are:
- Learn it
- Plan it
- Do it*
- Store it
Within each STAGE there are several TASKS that the student will need to accomplish to move on to the next STAGE. Some TASKS are broken down into ASSIGNMENTS. All of this is in order to make the material more accessible in small doable doses. These 4 Stages to Feasting will provide a simple and cohesive structure to the entire Course and its 14 Modules. I believe that these Stages will help worshipers of YHVH move head knowledge into heart knowledge.
In each Module there will be video and audio instruction with things to read, do and quizzes to take. Students will also have the ability to leave comments for the instructor and other classmates to view. All Modules will be challenging, fun and engaging.
*WARNING: Keep in mind that the 3rd Stage of each Module is to DO it. You will need to complete that Stage at Feast time. This can not be done just any time of the year. Students will be required to complete that Stage when that particular Feast actually occurs on Yah's calendar. I will explain more in class. Stages 1, 2 and 4 of the Modules are structured for the student to "go-at-their-own-pace" within those 12 months, but completing Stage 3 is FULLY dependent upon WHEN that Feast or Festival falls on Yah's calendar. Stage 3 is the climax of each Module and performing it at the correct time is EVERYTHING. If Kingdom University discovers that you have completed Stage 3 ( celebrated / done ) YHVH's Feast or Festival at another time of year and according to another calendar than the one that is taught here in the University* you will be expelled from the University ( and without refund ) for not abiding to the University's rules and disobeying YHVH's instructions. ) Plan accordingly when registering.
*The Creator's Calendar, which the aviv barley and sighted moon reckoning.
Textbooks and materials that are required for Module 7, Yom Teruah.
Required Books ( If you are planning on registering for this Module in the near future, please purchase your books ASAP as they might take up to 3 weeks to get to you and you can't start the course without them ):
- The Chronological Gospels ( Purchase through A Rood Awakening International )
- Your Bible ( your favorite version that you use )
- Yom Teruah HANDBOOK ( Textbook ) Purchase through Starlight Publishing at
- Yom Teruah JOURNAL ( workbook ) Purchase through Starlight Publishing at ( This is a private link that is available for registered students in the Syllabus part of the Module. This book is not available to the public. )
Required Items:
- Interactive Biblical Feast Calendar ( Purchase through Starlight Publishing )
- The Biblical Hebrew Calendar ( Purchase through A Rood Awakening International)
- Feast Rhythm Wall Graph ( Instant PDF download at RebekahCo )
- Kingdom University Vault Key
Required DVD:
- Yom Teruah Basics (not available anymore, but you will be directed to watch this video on our YouTube Channel)
The following are suggested but not required.
- A camera
- A tripod and mount
- A selfie stick
- Picnic Table Bible Studies ( tithing and Biblical Feast Inspiration DVD ( Not available anymore, but you will be directed to wathc these videos on our YouTube Channel. )
In Stage 3 and 4 of Module 7, Yom Teruah you will need to purchase things for doing the Feast, for documenting and storing it. But we will look at that in the Module and you will be using your tithe money for most of that.
Primarily, this course is for people who want to repent and fully embrace Yah’s Feast rhythm. It’s for Scattered Israel. Men and women of any age, young adults and youth ( someday I will have a children’s version of this course ). But I believe that anybody who feels moved to walk in the cycles ( the Biblical Feasts ) of YHVH should take this Course. Believers in Messiah will LOVE this Course, as it is all about how He has fulfilled and will fulfill the Appointed times. That said, even Jews will like this course if they are curious how the Messiah fulfilled the Torah and want to study the depths of the Feasts from a new view.
- Newbie Feast Keepers should complete all 14 Modules in this Course. They can use this Course to help understand all the Feasts. This Course will give them a solid foundation and gentle guidance as they begin to guard Yah's Feasts throughout the years.
- Experienced Feast Keepers should enroll in and complete all 14 Modules in this Course. Even those who are experienced at celebrating the Feasts will be challenged and get inspired to embrace the Mo'edim in a fresh, beautiful and creative way.
Again, each Module in the Biblical Feast Course costs a one-time fee of $39.95. There are 14 Modules in all. Students are encouraged to only enroll in one Module at a time, but that said, they can enroll in any number of Modules as they want, but that doesn't really work with Yah's idea of staying in rhythm with Him and not running ahead of Him. ( We suggest taking the Module about the Feast that is at least 2 months ahead of you for maximum benefit, but please just let the Ruach ha'Kodesh guide you as She knows you and we don't. ) All tuition will be paid through Kingdom University which is hosted by the platform.
No. Please don't do that. Treat this as a real classroom, where I "take attendance." If it's your name on the roster, then it should be you showing up for class, not someone else. Besides, you are only paying one registration fee. If you have friends or family that want to take the course then please have them register on their own.
If we find out that a student is sharing their login with another person to take courses that student who shared their login will be expelled from Kingdom University.
After completing this Module the student qualifies to receive this Module's certificate. Students can collect all 14 certificates by completing all 14 Modules in this Course. Student MUST notify Miss Rebekah via email within 12 days of completing that particular Module. She will then mail their certificate to them. To graduate from the Biblical Feast Course students must gain all 14 Certificates. Graduates will be invited to Rebekah's once-a-year online Graduation Party.
Yes, of course as students will be entering the Biblical Feast Course at different times throughout the year.
That said, remember that Rebekah teaches what YHVH teaches –– that it is important to stay in rhythm with Him throughout the year. This means you'll want to obey YHVH and DO the Feasts at their Appointed times and not out of order. That's different than taking Module 9 ( Sukkot ) before you take Module 7 ( Yom Teruah ) if Sukkot is the next Feast you are facing then take that one by all means. Here is an excerpt from Rebekah's Syllabus:
"I believe that it is super important to feel the flow of Yah's calendar rhythm. You can’t get into that flow if you jump in and out of the Feast cycle. Not to mention that these Feasts are His command, not mine. But of course, He is merciful and a good Papa who knows our limitations, but He also wants you and I to succeed at this so He can meet with us at His Appointed Times and help us to become complete ( perfect ) in our repentance. Remember that not only does He plainly just need us to obey, but He is a jealous Elohim who desires our attention and time.
But as far as the entire Biblical Feast Course as a whole goes, don’t look at it like you have to actually complete the entire 14 Modules in one 12 month period. That's crazy! In the end, of course you will be celebrating ALL His Feasts within a 12-13 month period, but you won't be taking an intense class for each Feast every year. That's a lot. So, as you take Modules in the Biblical Feast Course take your time. I hope you stay for a few years in the University in order to explore and perfect how you and your family will celebrate His calendar rhythm.
The goal is to learn how to WALK with YHVH. You must walk–not run, not sprint, nor sit still and expect it to drop in your lap. It takes a full 12 months to complete Yah’s Feast rhythm. You’ll need to walk with Him for a whole 12 month cycle of Feasts to learn His cycles or Ways and then duplicate that cycle next year and so forth.
The idea here is for my Biblical Feast Course and its Modules to guide you into His Feast rhythm. I want to teach you how to celebrate His Feasts as a believer in Ye’shua. I present these Modules in the hopes that you will take responsibility for your own repentance and live them out yourself at all costs, year after year until you hit the dirt.
My suggestion is that you stay part of Kingdom University – taking Modules in my Biblical Feast Course – for a few years until you have the Feasts under your belt pretty well.
You will have to re-register for it, pay for it and take it all over again.
Yessss! As soon as all 14 Modules are up online and available in Kingdom University I will begin working on that! :-) To be notified of when the offline version of my Biblical Feast Course is available ( approx 2022 ) please get on our email list by going to Teshuvah Ministries and subscribing to our eblast.
Yes. For 2 reasons:
- For sharing your login with someone else and allowing them to take the course under your name.
- For celebrating Yah's Mo'edim ( Stage 3 ) at another time than when it actually is according to HIS Biblical calendar ( the aviv barley and sighted moon calendar ) in order to complete Module requirements early.
This Biblical Feast Course is a course in HOW to actually DO the Feasts of YHVH our Elohim as a believer in Ye'shua. I approach the Feasts and Festivals of YHVH through a Melchizedek perspective that takes His command to keep them seriously, puts Ye'shua, His Son first and invites the Ruach ha'Kodesh, His Set-Apart Spirit to help us discover their depths. So, if that is something that you would like to do this year and you are ready to learn about Yom Teruah, then register for Module 7 today. Remember that the point of study is to DO the commands of YHVH Elohim. Handing someone a Bible and telling them to figure it out isn't helpful. This Course will hold your hand and walk you through the HOW of DOING the Feasts that are in the Covenant Law as believers in the Messiah, Ye'shua.
Register and become part of something amazing at Kingdom University! I'm looking forward to meeting you! Click on the green button above and register today. Praise YHVH that you are here to learn and grow as a repentant heart!

Why didn't Paul
teach the Mo'edim?
“...Paul was trying to convey Hebrew concepts to Greek minded people. Which they couldn't really grasp that is why when he was gone the church became the Roman Catholics. I believe the major problem with Paul is he did not teach the importance of the Mo'edim. In all his writings he didn't address it, though he himself celebrated them...It was not until I came into this movement understanding the Mo'edim radically changed my life. It is so true what Rebekah says - that it is in the celebrating of the Mo'edim where the rubber of repentance meets the road. When we meet with Yehovah at His Mo'edim I believe we are meeting Him under the Tree of Life. We are eating from the fruit which like eating of physical food changes our physical cells the spiritual fruit of the Spirit changes us on the inside. If one never meets Him at His Mo'edim then they are never under the Tree to eat from that fruit that changes us to Life - The Life. And that is why all the da'at from Paul cannot change a person or truly even be understood until the fruit changes our minds to understand."
– Dorothy Dillingham-Adams

Super Awesome!
Super, super awesome!!! Love all this! So amazing all of this work! You really are a walking example of the power of the Ruach! I am so inspired by your dedication. Seeing you walk this out and pour yourself into this so important project, I really believe is life altering and super blessed by Yehovah, keeps me going on this narrow path. He has definitely sent you to be a street lamp on His road. All the work you create and leave behind are marking points on the path. I do pray and mention you and your family by name at every prayer. I thank Yehovah in the blood and Name of Yehoshua that He put you in the path of my life because I was so rebellious in my old "christian" walk and so far off the path and now I have learned the truth my walk has soared and why I keep trying to steer people in this direction because I hear their struggles and remember being there. Thank you for all your hard work. So many will be changed because of this work.
– Dorothy Dillingham-Adams

Thank you!
Thank you so much for the update. This course and your vision for it, the 14 modules, the books and all look fantastic. We are so looking forward to this and know it is going to be a blessing to all! Shalom!
– Tim Harper

Can't Wait!
I just watched the video update on the Biblical Feast Course... I'm so excited and can't wait for it. I know how hard it is to work on these things...
– Van Santos

Love your Perspective
I am really looking forward to all of the Feast Course. I have been keeping the Feasts for a while now, but after watching your videos on YouTube I see them in a whole new light. I really love your style and you seem to have such a sweet spirit. I have watched many other teachers on the feasts like Jim Staley and Michael Rood. They have great teachings, but I like the way you teach from a women's perspective.
– Tyna Boss

I want to thank all my Kickstarter Backer's who helped to make this Biblical Feast Course possible:
Scot and Sharmen Anderson
Mary Ballif
Katie Buck
Tawyna and Jeremy Bulger
Greg Cavallaro
Claire Cavanagh
Marilyn Collins
DeDe Wayne Dewberry
Dorothy Dillingham-Adams
Marie and Kevin Eroh
Juliana Feller
Cheri Ferrell
Rich and Karen Franke
Tim & Lori Harper
Gina Kent
Lisa and Randy LaRont
Ali and Kevin Liang
Deserea Lynn
Charlene Martin
Karen McCabe
Jimmy Medrano
Karen Musil
Stephanie Rose
Keri Sagers
Vancler Santos
Katie and Chris Walker
Melinda Wriston
Lois Yingling
Earn Your Yom Teruah Certificate
When you complete this Yom Teruah Module, you will receive this color, personalized and beautiful 11x8.5 paper certificate in the mail. Collect all 14 Module Certificates and then you qualify for graduation. Apply for graduation and then you will receive our Kingdom University's Biblical Feast Course Diploma.